What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a specialised treatment for joint and muscle disorders, particularly of the spine. It includes joint manipulation, myofascial techniques and the correction of muscle imbalances, together with exercise and postural advice ensuring long term improvement.
Visiting the Chiropractor
Prior to treatment Jeremy will take a thorough case history and perform a full health assessment. Please bring with you any x-rays you own or x-ray reports your doctor can provide and write down the names of any medicines you are taking.
Patients will be asked to undress down to their underwear and slip on a clinic gown to allow Jeremy to examine the area concerned. If needed x-rays or any other medical tests will be arranged. Following the examination Jeremy will explain the diagnosis, proposed type of treatment and treatment plan. If further tests are not required treatment will commence immediately.
Treatment varies depending on the condition, the severity and the length of time the condition has been present. It often involves manipulation or other gentle forms of joint mobilisation with myofascial techniques and rehabilitation involving training core stability, addressing muscle imbalances and is tailored to suit each individual.
With your consent Jeremy may inform your GP about the treatment you are receiving or if necessary, refer you back to him. A good working relationship between the two professions provides the best service.
If Jeremy cannot help your particular condition you will be referred to the appropriate healthcare professional.
What conditions can be treated with Chiropractic?
Lower back and neck pain including Sciatica are the most commonly treated complaints with associated limb pains or headache (cervicogenic or migraine).
Sports injuries, including treatment to the ankles, knees, shoulders or elbow joints.
Pregnant Women – come for an assessment to see if Jeremy can help.
Arthritis cannot be cured with chiropractic although treatment may reduce the pain and considerably improve quality of life.